
J. C. is Josh Cerdenia. I'm a composer and software engineer.

Born and raised in the Philippines, I graduated from Juilliard in 2016 and began my working life as a musician in NYC. Somewhere along the way, I ventured into tech. I've always been a generalist and was never satisfied doing only one thing for very long. Currently I'm based in Manila and developing one of the top consumer finance apps in the Philippines.

Musically I'm a student of the western classical tradition and am especially fond of the 20th-century American symphonists, which I think is obvious in my work. Lately I've been primarily interested in musical theatre.

As a programmer I have experience across various platforms: web, backend, and mobile. I'm still trying to find my "tech voice" and simply lean hard into whatever holds my interest. Right now I'm riding the AI train.

Outside the workplace, I'm devoted to birding and esoteric pursuits.


I'm all about cross-disciplinary collaboration, not to mention secondary income streams. Please email me if you'd like to work together.